Tuesday, February 10, 2009

part three (chris again) Don't forget to scroll down, There are 4 new post.

cliff notes:

all pics: our son


take care

mama's latest maternity pics (chris again)

here are our most recent maternity pics. as you can tell it was a highly stressful shoot....... she still has that same smile, even after rough delivery. i am a pretty lucky guy.


-take care

part two (chris again)

cliff notes:

1st pic. the best feeling in the world
2nd pic. "cmon you know you want this bannana liam"
3rd pic. naked jaybird and her daddy
4th pic. our friend reading to our son
5th pic. a great grandmother and her grandson

cliff notes:

he's finally here (this is chris posting, so not as many words, just pics)

enjoy......stay tuned for more

cliff notes:
1st pic. great grandparents and their great grandson
2nd pic. texting grandmas
3rd pic. hair like his daddy
4th pic. best friend (epidural machine for all the natural birth people out there)
5th pic. its go time

take care