Friday, December 5, 2008

We Have Been Busy!!

The last few weeks have been all about preparing for Liam's arrival, hence the lack of blogging.

Chris has been extremely busy with work, and his effort are really paying off...he has found organization, his web-site is amazing, he has great systems in place, his customers are happy, his business is thriving, and because of all of this, we will probably feel comfortable with taking some time off, in the near future...yeah just in time for when I need him most and Liam's arrival!!

I have been keeping myself busy with projects...nesting really set in a few weeks ago, as I completely cleaned out every closet and cabinet, finished a few sewing projects (still more to do), finished painting Liam's room (picture follows), had a garage sale, and have been working diligently to get all of the little household repairs, that are easier to "do later," done (garage clean, garage door fixed, heater fixed, fireplace fixed, carbon monoxide detector installed, etc.)

I don't want it to sound like the last few weeks have been all work and no play...our dear family and friends manage to break things up for us by throwing us wonderful showers, parties, and lunches, while gifting us with all of those necessities that make bring Liam home an easy transition. I know...I said "easy"...I'm probably crazy!!

Will post shower pictures soon!!

LeeAnn & Steve, Chris's Mom and Step-Dad, came to visit one weekend and brought all of the little things that LeeAnn had kept, from when Chris was growing up. We loved looking through all of the treasures. From his first pair of "underroos," to these beautifully monogrammed sweaters and peter pan colared was all there. It is just so neat that Liam will get to grow up wearing the same clothes, eating in the same highchair, and reading the same books that his daddy did. By the way, what follows is a picture of Sully digging through some of the goodies that LeeAnn brought. I guess he thought that he desired first pic. Pour "little" is in for a rude awakening!!


Lee Ann said...

I can't wait to see how our sweet boy's room will turn out - these few months have been very good "busy" practice for when Liam gets here - I can't wait for that either - I am having a very hard time focusing on Christmas shopping - I just want to do Liam shopping - we love you very much - Mama and Steve

Taylor said...

Lynne, that paint job looks amazing! I am not surprised!! You are doing so great.... pregnancy becomes you!! I know you are going to be just as good being a mommy! Keep it up, girl! love you!!

taylor said...

Hi Lynn, the nursery looks great and so do you! I can't believe it has been so long since we have seen you guys. I'm glad to hear that Chris has got it together and everything is runing smoothly with his business. That will be helpful once Liam arrives. We miss you guys and are planning on making it up to Fayetteville sometime soon. Cant wait to meet Liam!

Heather said...

I am so impressed with Liam's room!! I don't know how you painted those stripes!!! Love it!
We have to get together for lunch after the holidays!

Jenny said...

I love the nursery! I can't wait to see all your sewing projects. I would love to see a new belly pic. I think it is fun to compare.

Tabitha and Kelly said...

Lynne, I LOVE your little boy's room. Our little boys will have to meet one day! Max will be an hold hand and show Liam the tricks of the trade. So happy for you!! Take care, Tabitha