Monday, October 13, 2008

Where to start?!?

I know...I know...this is something that I should have started a long long time ago.

Now that we are nearly 6 months pregnant, I have been thinking to myself..."where do I start?" I have decided that I'm just going to start at the beginning, using e-mails to family and friends to jog my memory.

My thoughts on May 30th...

I took a pregnancy test the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (afterall I had to figure out what to pack for our weekend at the lake). I then I kissed my husband and sent him on his way, to go fishing, with a buddy (Taylor Sutton). I headed back to the bathroom, to tidy up, and picked up the pregnancy test out of curiosity...they were normally negative, so I wasn't expecting anything out of the norm...but there it was...a faint pink line. In nothing but my robe...I ran through the house, out the door, and down the driveway, waiving the pregnancy test in the air, in an effort to get the guys to stop and double check that I wasn't crazy. They did stop and confirmed my thoughts, but still went fishing!!

At first, Chris was shocked and trying not to be too excited (since he didn't want to get his hopes up). But since we got the official word from the doctor, on May 29th, we are both on cloud nine and admitted to ourselves that "this is real."

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